Pokemon Nuzlocke Download
Hiya everybody! This challenge is a normal Nuzlocke Challenge, only that all the Pokemon in the Wild are Randomized! This allways builds pretty crazy teams, finding lv 7 legendarys and such. Right now, there are randomizers avalible for Pokemon Emerald and Black/White(credit to Buzz Buzz for finding this one) Red/Blue! (thanks to bctincher15 for this.) and also Heartgold/Soulsilver!
Pokemon platinum nuzlocke randomizer rom shared files: Here you can download pokemon platinum nuzlocke randomizer rom shared files that we have found in our database. Just click desired file title and download link will show up! Pokemon Black Randomizer Nuzlocke ROM Download. Some features of Pokemon Black and White are the returning features in previous generations like time, day, capabilities and the split between Physical and Special moves. Pokemon Snakewood Download Link: https://gbahacks.blogspot.com/2014/07/pokemon-snakewood.
Pokemon Nuzlocke Download Pc
So what you need to get started for playing emerald is: A Game Boy Advance Emulator. An Pokemon Emerald GBA ROM file. The Lastest Java runtime. A program that can extract Zip Files. And the Pokemon Emerald Randomizer program downloaded. This video shows you exactly how to do.
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Username: Seraphimon-sama Rules: Nickname all Pokemon, change battle style to SET Game: Emerald May as well post an update now. UPDATE NO.1 -Watched the intro and named myself Takuya (male) -Set time to 2:35 PM -Met May -Chose the Face Pokemon, Glalie (F, Lv.5) and proceeded to Bite the enemy Zigzagoon -Gave Glalie the nickname Frigimon -Arrived in Oldale Town -Used Bite to kill May's Torchic -Received the PokeDex and 5 Pokeballs -Obtained Running Shoes NB: It is physically impossible to run without these shoes! -The first Pokemon I ran into on Route 101 was Magnemite so I caught it NB: I forgot to give it a nickname but I'll do that once I get to Slateport City -Failed to catch a female Persian on Route 103 -Bought more Pokeballs -Caught Chirinmon the Electabuzz (F, Lv.4) on Route 102 -Arrived in Petalburg City -Met Wally and despite all the Wild Pokemon being random, he still caught a Raltss using the Zigzagoon and the Pokeball my father gave to him NB: So I have to save a guy before I get a Pokemon, but Wally seems to have gained my father's favor. I'M YOUR SON, NOT HIM!
-Caught Leomon the Slaking (M, Lv.4) on Route 104 -Saved progress for now Team: Frigimon the Glalie (F, Lv.8) Powder Snow, Leer, Double Team, Bite Magnemite (no nickname yet, Lv.2) Metal Sound, Tackle Chirinmon the Electabuzz (F, Lv.4) Quick Attack, Leer, Thunderpunch Leomon the Slaking (M, Lv.4) Scratch, Yawn, Encore, Slack Off. Username: Rageahollic33 Rules: Nickname all pokemon, change rules to set. Game: Emerald Update 1 First Pokemon I choose from Birch was Jolteon named it Jolt Cola went off to Oldale town battle may in route 103 defeated her treecko. Went back to little root town. Get the pokedex and some pokeballs get my running shoes in route 101 I caught Cloyster named it Clamps at level 2 went to route 103 caught a Natu named it Burton at Level 3 went to route 102 caught Starmie named it Shiryuken at level 2 battled some trainers at route 102 went to petalburg city talk to my dad watched wally capture ralts. Meet the stalker known as scott went inside petalburg woods found a smeargle killed it. So no pokemon from petal woods.
Battled an Aqua grunt. Caught a Nidorino at route 104 named it King Henry at level 5 battled some trainers on the way to rustburo city. Made it to Rustburo city. Got the Cut HM from the cutter.
Got quick claw from the teacher. Went to the gym.
Battled some trainers took on Roxanne. Her nosepass killed Shiryuken aka my Starmie I defeated her nosepass with Clamps aka my Cloyster with Aurora beam. And I got the stone badge. Put Shiryuken in the Heaven's Box healed my pokemon up. Saved my game. Current Team Clamps (Cloyster) - Level 9 Jolt Cola (Jolteon) - Level 6 Burton (Natu) - Level 7 King Henry (Nidorino) Level 4 Deceased Pokemon Shiryuken (starmie) met at route 102 at Level 2 died at level 9 in rustburo gym. • Did all the starting stuff.
• I chose an Espeon as my Starter and Named him Logan. • Went to beat may and finally got my Pokedex and Pokeballs. • Killed a Flareon on the first route:c • Caught a Muk and named him Dalton at 103 (not using him right now) • Caught a Mawile and named him Chris on route 102. • Got to Petalburg and Wally got his Ralts. • Didnt catch anthing on route 104. • Caught my second Teammember Patrick the Krabby in Petalburg woods.
• Defeated the Aqua Grunt. • On route 116 my catch was a Ledian, that i did not want. But just a step after i found a Venusaur.
• Didnt catch anything in the Rustturf Tunnel. • Beat the Gym and Roxanne easilly with Patrick. • got back the Devon Goods and Peeko from the Aqua grunt. • Went to Mr. Briney and got to Dewford with his boat. • Finally got a Fishing rod!