Mk Vs Dc Universe
In Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe, you can play through two separate storylines in the game, one from the MK side and one from the DC side. 11 of Mortal Kombat's biggest names meet 11 of DC's most recognizable super heroes & villains, and overall, the developers made good (yet obvious) choices for the roster.
For Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 5 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs), 46 cheat codes and secrets, 43 trophies, 5 reviews, 42 critic reviews, 1 save game, and 40 user screenshots. Saajan movie songs download. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe is an interesting game. Ableton 10 r2r keygen. While the plot isn't that extraordinary the gameplay is mildly entertaining. Based on the Mortal Kombat-style of fighting, you pit DC heroes. Good fighting game more or less lives up to the hype. Read Common Sense Media's Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe review, age rating, and parents guide.
Mk Vs Dc Universe Fatalities

Bat Swarm (close): Press Down, Back, Forward(2), B / Press Down, Back, Forward(2), Circle. Grappling Hook (sweep, which means take 2 steps back): Press Down(3), Up, A / Press Down(3), Up, X. Slam & Stomp: Press Down, Forward, Back, Forward, X / Press Down, Forward, Back, Forward, Square. Ground Slam: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y / Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle.
Mk Vs Dc Universe Characters

Neck Breaker: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y / Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle. Claw Attack: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, B / Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Circle. Gunshot (close): Press Forward(2), Down, Forward, Y / Press Forward(2), Down, Forward, Triangle. Neck Breaker (close): Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, A / Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, X.