Hack 3ds Game Cartridge

StarGate 3DS Description StarGate 3DS, the top 1 flashcard to buy for playing 3DS and DS games on any 3DS model or firmware version. It supports 3DS/NDS games, also runs NTRboothax to install 3DS CFW. The flashcard is plug&play, working on 3ds v11.9.0-42 and compatible with all NEW 2DS/NEW 3DS XL/2DS/3DS XL consoles. Order in our site, you can get a Stargate 3ds with a cheap price, fast shipping and unlimited game download codes. What is Stargate 3DS?
It's a new revolution in the flashcart market - Stargate 3DS is developed to play 3DS, NDS, GBA, NES/SNES games on all consoles models & versions of Nintendo 3DS/XL, 2DS/XL, NEW 3DS/XL. With this card, you will be able to play all these games freely, no need to check your console version, no need to mess around with dangerous hacks, and just PLUG & PLAY! What's more, Stargate 3DS also supports NTRboothax / Magnethax to run CFW(Boot9strap) on FW v11.9 consoles. All in all, no matter you simply want a powerful flashcard for playing free 3DS/NDS/GBA/SNES games, or you're looking for the full hack of Nintendo 3DS system with Custom Firmware -- Stargate 3DS is obviously a must have companion. StarGate 3DS, the new 3ds flashcard supports 3DS/DS/ GBA/NES/SNES games on any 3DS consoles New3DS/New3DSXL/3DS/3DSXL/2DS/2DSXL with any firmware version including the latest 3ds firmware version 11.9.0-42.
StarGate 3DS also supports NTRbootHax / MagnetHax to install CFW on 3DS console. No need to check your console version, no need to mess around with dangerous hacks, just PLUG & PLAY. StarGate 3DS is in stock now. Stargate 3DS Features • Supports all Nintendo 3DS/XL, NEW 3DS/XL, 2DS/XL, NEW 2DS XL firmware versions and from any region • Support 3DS System version 11.9.0-42U/E/J/K • Support for DS roms, 3DS roms, GBA/NES/SNES emulators(future) • DS mode GUI menu • High performance ultra low power SoC • Support for NTRboothax / Magnethax • Fully updatable,No need for complicated processes. No programming skills required.
Backup 3ds Cartridge Saves
Just Plug & Play Setup Stargate 3DS on any 3DS/2DS Stargate 3D is easy to install and operate, just play and plug. • Format a microSD card as FAT32, and download 'system files' from the download part of stargate-3ds.com. • Copy 'system files' and 3DS/NDS games to your microSD card. • Download ds and 3ds games from Rom2station.com, drag only.ds/.3ds files to your Microsd card. • Insert microSD card to Stargate 3DS, insert the Stargate 3DS into the 3DS console and turn it on.
Console Compatibility After testing, it works on any 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, NEW 3DS, NEW 3DS XL and NEW 2DS XL consoles. Of couse, supports 3DS system v11.9 to v1.0, no exception. Useful phrases of daily use. Review Stargate 3ds is our easiest option to play both free NDS and 3DS games. Though it isn't region free to play 3ds games, supporting GBA/SNES emulators for now, if what you need is just finding a safe and simply way to play 3DS/DS games, the Stargate 3ds is the best flashcard to buy. When compared with Sky3ds+: It can't play the newest 3ds games like the Sky3ds+, such as the Pokemon ultra Sun or Moon, to you want to access the the latest 3ds games, choose to buy Stargate 3ds, but remember the sky3ds+ isn't playing ds games.
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